Safe, Reliable, Professional
R&R Marine specializes in various marine projects including: research support, housing, cargo transport, and fisheries research. We are a small family owned business based out of Seward, Alaska. Our vessels operate throughout Alaskan waters, Pacific waters, and remote areas.

Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute (BBSRI)
Since 2019 R&R Marine has worked with BBSRI utilizing the R/V Ocean Cat in the Offshore Test Fishery. The Ocean Cat caught salmon and successfully operated the first at-sea genetics laboratory which helped identified the river where the salmon were returning.
The Ocean Cat and her crew were instrumental to increasing the efficiency and time needed to help the Alaska Department of Fish and Game managers prepare for the worlds largest incoming salmon runs.
The Ocean Cat continues this yearly 30+ day continuous at sea research project

Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC)
In 2022 R&R Marine worked with the NSEDC (Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation) to provide the platform sustaining 18 days of pot survey work off the north coast of St. Lawrence Island, AK.
The F/V Ocean Cat and crew performed the pot survey for the elusive Blue King Crab.

R&R Marine worked with ADFG (Alaska Department of Fish and Game) in the lower Cook Inlet for four years. The F/V Ryan J performed the off-shore salmon research.
Who We Are